
Bile Duct Injury Compensation Claims

It’s a sad fact that occasionally medical procedures go wrong, often resulting in serious complications for the patient. A bile duct injury is one of them, and is often due to operations based around the liver and gall bladder areas. Those who have suffered a bile duct injury could be entitled to compensation.

At Pattinson & Brewer LLP, we can help you to get the maximum possible compensation award, enabling you to be able to afford all the after-care and recuperation assistance you could possibly need. We recognise the importance of a complete recovery from a bile duct injury.

Financial Help to Cope with a Bile Duct Injury

It’s often the case that a bile duct injury requires surgery, often to reconstruct the duct itself. For bile duct injury patients, that can mean a significant amount of time off work, which can add up to several months in some cases. Recovery from a bile duct injury can prove uncomfortable, painful and expensive.

Because we liaise with bile duct injury specialists, our specialists know that a bile duct injury compensation award can be a complicated issue. But thanks to our in-depth experience, we can work on the claim while the patient and their family can concentrate totally on getting back to good health.

  • Compassion


  • Expertise


  • Trusted
