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Seven-Figure Settlement for Boy With Cerebral Palsy

Seven-Figure Settlement for Boy With Cerebral Palsy

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A boy who was left with brain damage after doctors failed to spot that he was suffering from low blood-sugar levels is likely to receive damages of more than £1 million.

Lucas Hillier, now five years old, was born at Good Hope Hospital, West Midlands, in June 2007. He began to show symptoms of hypoglycaemia two days later. His parents noticed that he was very drowsy and brought this to the attention of hospital staff, but it was not until the following morning that a paediatrician rushed Lucas to intensive care. He remained there for three weeks.

An MRI scan was performed before Lucas was discharged from the hospital, but it was not until November 2007 that Mr and Mrs Hillier were told that he had cerebral palsy.

As a result of the damage to his brain, Lucas now has very poor eyesight, limited movement throughout his body and severe epilepsy. He will require care for the rest of his life.

A claim for damages was brought against Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, which is responsible for the hospital. The NHS Trust admitted liability and issued an apology to Lucas and his family.

The amount of the compensation settlement is expected to be more than £1 million. This will help to pay for Lucas’s ongoing care requirements. The family had previously secured an interim payment, allowing them to buy a house specially adapted for Lucas’s needs.

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