Court Approves Settlement for Boy Starved of Oxygen at Birth banner

Court Approves Settlement for Boy Starved of Oxygen at Birth

Court Approves Settlement for Boy Starved of Oxygen at Birth

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A 10-year-old boy left facing a lifetime of disability owing to hospital negligence at the time of his birth has been awarded a compensation package worth up to £9.4 million over his lifetime.

The boy suffered injury due to oxygen starvation. He is described as a happy and contented child, whose intellect is unharmed, but damage to his brain has resulted in him being largely immobile and he is dependent on others for most aspects of day-to-day living. He is expected to live into his late 50s and will require professional care throughout his lifetime.

Proceedings were launched on his behalf and the NHS trust that ran the hospital where he was born accepted liability for his injuries at an early stage. Following negotiations, a settlement was reached whereby the boy will receive a £3.75 million lump sum, plus index-linked and tax-free annual payments to cover the cost of his care for life.

The settlement has been approved by the High Court and, through its legal team, the trust offered its sincere apologies to the boy and his family.

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