£1 Million for Botched Tooth Extraction
A man who sustained damage to his brain as a result of oxygen starvation during a tooth extraction when he was six years old has won £1 million in compensation.
The man, now 22, underwent the operation under general anaesthetic at a health centre in Workington. During the procedure, he went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing.
As a result of the damage to his brain, the young man has severe behavioural problems. He was expelled from school and has also been in trouble with the police. His criminal record includes theft, arson and various driving offences.
If the man’s erratic behaviour continues, it is unlikely that he will be able to find a job in the future.
A claim for compensation was brought against North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust on the grounds that the anaesthetic had not been administered correctly and that there was a delay in trying to resuscitate the boy when he suffered respiratory distress.
The Trust agreed to settle the claim out of court for compensation of £1 million.
Although nothing can truly compensate for mistakes that cause permanent damage to someone’s health, a settlement can relieve financial worries and help improve the quality of life of victims of medical errors.
If a child is injured in an accident which is not their fault, a parent or guardian can pursue a claim for compensation on their behalf up until the time the child reaches the age of 18. Alternatively, the child can pursue a claim personally once he or she reaches age 18, in which case there is normally a three-year limitation period in which to bring the claim.